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Case of the Week 12 2018

*8-year-old girl presented with fever and odynophagia.

What is the most likely diagnosis?


Peritonsillar abscess

Case Discussion:

CT images revealed a lesion that has a hypodense center with peripheral ring enhancement and irregular borders.

Peritonsillar abscess is the most common deep neck infection, almost always secondary to acute or recurrent tonsillitis. It is most common in 20-40 year-olds with a predominance for males and for smokers. It is less common in children but immunosuppression increases the risk of development.

1. Steyer TE. Peritonsillar abscess: diagnosis and treatment. Am Fam Physician. 2002;65 (1): 93-6.
2. Dunn N, Lane D, Everitt H et-al. Use of antibiotics for sore throat and incidence of quinsy. Br J Gen Pract. 2007;57 (534): 45-9.