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Case of the Week 4 2020

*42-year-old male with complaint of pain at medial aspect of right foot. No history of trauma


Accessory navicular syndrome

Case Discussion:

MR images demonstrate type 2 accessory navicular bone, bone marrow edema signal in both the accessory ossicle and navicular, reflecting os naviculare syndrome.

Accessory navicular syndrome occurs when a type II accessory navicular becomes painful due to movement across the pseudo-joint between the ossicle and the navicular bone.

1. Bernaerts A, Vanhoenacker FM, Van de Perre S et-al. Accessory navicular bone: not such a normal variant. JBR-BTR. 2005;87 (5): 250-2.
2. Mosel LD, Kat E, Voyvodic F. Imaging of the symptomatic type II accessory navicular bone. Australas Radiol. 2004;48 (2): 267-71.