*34-year-old patient with right upper quadrant pain and jaundice.

What is the most likely diagnosis?
Answer: Choledocholithiasis
Case Discussion:
Axial T2 Fat Sat, coronal T2 images demonstrated filling defect in the dilated common bile duct, and intra-extrahepatic biliary dilatation.

Choledocholithiasis refers to the presence of gallstones within the bile ducts. Choledocholithiasis is a not rare complication of cholelithiasis. Patients can present with right upper quadrant pain, jaundice, cholecystitis/cholangitis. Ultrasound imaging can be useful for detecting stone(s) and dilated bile duct. Filling defects are seen within the biliary tree on MRCP.
1. Attasaranya, S., Fogel, E., & Lehman, G. (2008). Choledocholithiasis, ascending cholangitis, and gallstone pancreatitis. Medical Clinics of North America 92, 926-960.
Gallstones. (2010, February 23). National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NDDIC).